Club Penguin - Reviewed By You: New Pet Shop!

Hey penguins, Frosty Badge here! Today, Billybob had made a new blog post on the Community blog for Club Penguin! What is it about? It's about the new Pet Shop! To start off, let's take a look at one of the puffle jokes from last week's Reviewed By You.

"Q.What's a brown puffle's favorite food?

A.Nuts and bolts!"

Cool joke, Gibbygirl1! For this week's Reviewed By You, Billybob wants to hear from you about the new Pet Shop! Take a look at what it's going to look like.


Amazing, right? I think so! I can't wait for the new Pet Shop to come out, and I am pretty sure the puffles are just as excited as we all are! Club Penguin will publish one of your comments about this new Pet Shop, so comment away by clicking here!

-Frosty Badge, Author


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