Happy Easter From Lebron Jr 23, 2011!

Hey everyone! Today is Easter, and whether you celebrate it or not, I just wanted to say Happy Easter. May it be full of happiness and lots and lots of candy. By the way, have you seen the Easter bunny today? I heard he he leaves eggs for us to find stuff in! I even heard that there may be some stuff hidden on this site. But you never really know..

Club Penguin Penguin
I would love to hear what all of you have have done today for Easter. Let me know in a comment! In other news, have you found Rockhopper yet on Club Penguin. Make sure to leave a comment.

- Lebron Jr 23


  1. yes i ahve seen him yesterday on this this chat helped me alot thanks i saw him on snwo angel

  2. the easter bunny isnt real

  3. Homer Simpsons LoverApril 25, 2011 at 7:06 AM

    yeah he is real.. he brought me the simpsons season 9, a club penguin rtreasure book #1 a Nintendo 3DS game: Steel Diver
