Question: What word is on page number 5, 5 words from the left on line 10?
A: Good
Question: What word is on page number 5, 4 words starting from the left on line 3?
A: Board
Question: What word is on page number 6, 5 words from the left on line 17?
A: Plans
Question: What word is on page number 6, 7 words from the left on line 14?
A: Extreme
Question: What word is on page number7, 2 words from the left on line 12?
A: Find
Question: What word is on page number 7, 7 words from the left on line 17?
A: Where
Question: What word is on page number 8, 7 words from the left on line 4?
A: Round
A: Good
Question: What word is on page number 5, 4 words starting from the left on line 3?
A: Board
Question: What word is on page number 6, 5 words from the left on line 17?
A: Plans
Question: What word is on page number 6, 7 words from the left on line 14?
A: Extreme
Question: What word is on page number7, 2 words from the left on line 12?
A: Find
Question: What word is on page number 7, 7 words from the left on line 17?
A: Where
Question: What word is on page number 8, 7 words from the left on line 4?
A: Round
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