Club Penguin Membership Prices Raising Are NO JOKE!

While visiting Gamestop, I decided to take a look at the gift cards. I wanted to see if the rumors I had been hearing were true. And wouldn't you know it, they were! I saw a one month membership on sale for $7.95 USD. This means that they have raised two dollars. I couldn't snap a picture, but I did find this thanks to Check it out..
So how does this affect you? Honestly for me, I will be buying my Club Penguin membership no matter what. Even if the price was $10 a month. Crazy, right? Well I guess I just love C.P.. But how about you? Does this affect you? This economic times we are living in aren't exactly the best, so I would love to hear from all of you..

- Lebron Jr 23


  1. Doesn't affect me, I live somewhere else. Sorry you cannot buy memberships often now USA and Canada, I feel almost as hurt as you feel for you!

  2. hey lebron i am a huge fan i am making a website and i was wondering if you could check it out and meet me on clubpenguin by writing it in my chat bar it is

  3. hey lebron sorry i also forgot to write this but this affects me allot because it is more expensive meaning more money
