Club Penguin - New Igloo Upgrades Catalog (October 2011)

Hey penguins! As you know, Club Penguin has released a new Igloo Upgrades catalog for penguins worldwide to buy some new spooky igloos to decorate for the Halloween Party coming up fast! Wondering what these igloos look like? Wonder no more! Check them out below.

My favorite igloos are the Trick-Or-Treat igloo and the Ship Igloo! What's yours? Comment below!

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. My favs are probably the Jack O Lantern and the Treehouse, because I'm glad CP brought them back. I also like the new igloo, the Trick or Treat igloo!

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan
    -Come waddle with be on CP! On ever day Sleet,Dock!-
