Lebron's Guide For Club Penguin iPhone App!

Hey there penguins! Today is a very special day. After months of hard work, the folks over at NOD Productions and myself, are ready to bring you my official iPhone app. You can get to the app by clicking here.
What The App Offers:

- An eBook For Making A Successful Club Penguin Blog and Being Famous!
- Club Penguin Cheats And Guides
- Tips For Making More Coins- An Article On The History Of CP
- Guides For Becoming A Club Penguin Ninja Of All Elements-
 Full Article On Puffles And Their History
- Complete Guide To Every Game On The Island- Information On Club Penguin Masocts
- An Article About Lebron Jr 23

So what do you think? If you get the app, make sure to leave a review on iTunes! I am really excited about the app because I finally get to share my secrets with you for Club Penguin fame. Also, this app will always be updating. So you will be getting an updated app almost every month!

- Lebron Jr 23


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