Club Penguin: Penguin Times Issue #324

Hey penguins! IMPORTANT NEWS! Aunt Arctic has released a brand new issue of the Penguin Times Newspaper for every penguin worldwide to check out what everyone on the island is talking about. In this week's focus: the Twelfth Fish play is returning to the Stage and the Coins for Change results!

Are you excited for the Twelfth Fish play returning to the Stage? I am! I can't wait to buy all of the costumes! Make sure to leave a comment below.

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. I'm excited for Rookie, I already met him but I'm prepared to track!

  2. @Funnybum554 Hey again Funnybum! I haven't met Rookie yet! Your lucky...I'm DEFINITELY excited and ready to track with the best in town :D

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan
