Club Penguin: New Better Igloos Catalog (and hidden items!)

Hey penguins! A brand new Better Igloos catalog has been released today with all of the latest Fashion Show and Rockhopper's Quest of 2012 furniture for you to furnish your igloos with. You can check out all of the brand new items below along with the locations of the hidden items.

Hidden Item (#1): Cavern Chair

Hidden Item (#2): Tropical Palm

Hidden Item (#3): Steering Wheel

Hidden Item (#4): Mannequin

What do you think of the brand new furniture you can buy with your coins? Leave your comments and opinions about them below!

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. It's cool that they put the Fashion Show stuff in the catalog too.

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  2. I caculated how many penguins on cp!!!!
