Club Penguin: New Login Screen!

Hey penguins! Have you heard the special news yet? Rockhopper is returning to the icy island we call home, Club Penguin, and he's starting a quest on February 23rd for us to complete and receive the ancient Viking Armor! To help advertise, Club Penguin has released a brand new login screen for you to check out when logging into Club Penguin. Take a look!

Here's your chance to express your feelings for the brand new login screen if you'd like to! Leave your comments and opinions about both Rockhopper's Quest AND the new login screen below.

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. All this talk of another island makes me curious...

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  2. Want your site reviewed? Follow these steps!

    1. Click my name
    2. on the sidebar of the blog that shows up click send in your blog
    3. Fill in the form!

    Easy as that.
