Club Penguin: New Penguin Times Issue #329

Hey penguins! Did you know that every week a new issue of the Penguin Times Newspaper is released by Chief Editor, Aunt Arctic? It's true, and today Aunt Arctic had released a brand new issue for you to check out all of the latest news buzzing around the island. In this week's focus: Rockhopper Needs Crew!

What are you most excited for? I am extremely excited for when Rockhopper visits the island on February 16th, and the new Better Igloos catalog coming out on the same day! Leave your comments and opinions about it below.

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. Gee, I've never been to Shipwreck Island before! Actually, I've never even been to any island that hasn't been CP! A Club Penguin first for everyone.

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan
