Club Penguin: New Penguin Times Issue #331

Hey penguins! Aunt Arctic has released a brand new issue of the Penguin Times Newspaper for the week so that penguins all over the island can read up on what is going on around the island. In this week's focus: an Interview With Rockhopper! Check it out.

Got something you'd like to share? Don't be shy! Drop a comment below with your opinions on this week's Penguin Times Newspaper issue for us to check out.

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. Under Puffle Catalog in Upcoming Events, it says "A delicious surprise, coming soon..." I wonder what it could be! Also, under Penguin Style Catalog, it says "New puffle-fan fashions...for a limited time only!" Hint-hint, Puffle Party? :P

  2. TI love puffle party's

  3. The new puffle is hot pink im staff

  4. This was an awesome party!
