Club Penguin: New Cake Pin!

Hey penguins! Club Penguin has released the new updates for the week! One of the new updates is a brand new cake pin for penguins who enjoy hunting down and collecting brand new pins for their player cards. The last pin Club Penguin has hidden was the Cheese pin! This week, the pin has taken the look of a piece of cake.

PIN: Cake

I'm most definitely going to pick up this Cake pin! What about you? Got any opinions about this brand new Cake pin that you'd like to share? Don't be shy! Leave a comment below for us to check out. 

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. Hi frosty badge (lebronjr23) did you know the next pin is the box pin. A cp worker told me

  2. Hello!

    First things first, if you are thinking that I am LebronJr23, I am not him. I am an author for this website. Sorry for the confusion!

    Secondly, no, I did not know that the box pin is the next pin! Sounds like it's going to be a cool pin. Maybe resembling the Box Dimension as the April Fools party is coming up and the Box Dimension is usually a very well-decorated room for the party. Thanks for the information, I'll be sure to keep it in mind!

  3. I guess I have to keep this away from my puffle too! :P

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan
