If you have been on Club Penguin recently or have been an agent you have probably noticed that we get these things called EPF messages. These messages are sent from our leaders of the Elite Penguin Force, such as Rookie, Dot, Gary, and so much more. Today's message was sent from our very own Jet Pack Guy.
Alert! Radar is picking up something BIG flying around the island! It's too fast to follow - has anyone gotten a visual on this thing yet?I believe a few penguins have gotten a visual of this flying thing roaming around the island. You can also find the shadow located in the Newspaper in the support story, or in the homepage of Club Penguin. I decided to look further into this and decompiled a .swf of the homepage. I zoomed in on the shadow and noticed, it looked a little bit like a dragon. How do you think it came to the island? Let us know in a comment below!
-Snowcloud5 clubpenguinguide.com author
D-dur JPG! If you would've followed Lebron Jr's cheats you could've known about the huge dragon!--XD