Hey there penguins! If you've successfully completed last week's Field-Op arranged by Gary the Gadget Guy, then you're gonna want to know what's going on with his investigation based on Gariwald VIII's disappearance. Your wait is finally over, as Field-Op #103 has been assigned! Check it out.
To start off Field-Op #103, you'll need to check your Spy Phone and head to the Command Room. Once at the Command Room, waddle over to the yellow screen labeled "Field-Ops" and accept your Field-Op by clicking the "Accept Field-Op" button on the screen that'll appear.
Gariwald's notes show he was working on some sort of ectoplasmic transmutation process, similar to my Monster Maker. Such experiments would have left evidence. Go to the Forest, where his mansion was, and see if you pick up any unusual signals.
Once waddling into the middle, your Elite Penguin Force Spy Phone will begin to blink green meaning you have found the location of the Field-Op's mini-mission. When ready, click your Spy Phone to begin the mini-mission. For this week's mini-mission, you will need to decrypt the passcode! Match the shape on the right to decode the security. Be quick - the system will lock you out in thirty seconds!
When you have finished the mini-mission, you will then receive a message on your Spy Phone from Gary the Gadget Guy responding to your recently succeeded Field-Op assignment.
Well done Agent! It seems like you've picked up a strange transmission originating from an ectoplasmic source. Oh my. That's strange. The transmission sounds like a message. It says: We are coming...
Creepy, huh? Be sure to leave your comments and opinions about this week's Field-Op assignment assigned by Gary the Gadget Guy (the Elite Penguin Force's Tech Leader.)
-Frosty Badge, LebronJr23CPCheats.com Author
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