Great Scott! Some very interesting things have been happening on Club Penguin lately. For those that didn't catch what I was getting at in the first sentence, that is a very famous line from the movie Back To The Future. Being a movie about Time Travel, in fits perfectly with what we are talking about. (And Club Penguin Seems To Agree) While in the Haunted House, I noticed a telescope. If you take a look through it, you notice something weird fly across the screen.
It is very similar to the Flying Delorean from Back To The Future! It is definitely some sort of Time Machine. We got some inside information that the actual name of this machine is the Time Trekker and it was invented by Gary The Gadget Guy.
Gary made this vehicle to explore different periods of time on Club Penguin. We were able to uncover Gary's chat log from the current Halloween party. You may find this quite interesting.
Great scott!Oh my!
I have wonderful news everyone!
Good news everyone!
Did you hear the news?
I have been to the future!
I invented a time machine…
…called the Time Trekker
I used the Time Trekker!
I was experimenting with time travel…
And I wound up in the future!
The future is a fascinating place!
The future is a very different place!
There’s new technology everywhere
Many rooms are upgraded
I saw many wondrous things
New rooms!
New 3D technology!
New dance moves!
The future seems quite amazing
The future is a fascinating place
That is why I want to go back
I wish to go back to the future!
I intend to go back to the future
But this time I want the future to come to us
I want everyone to see the future
I want to bring everyone with me
Will you help me scientists?
Will you help me set up my time machine?
Will you join my team of scientists?
Are you ready to join my team of scientists?
Everyone who helps set up my time machine…
…will earn the rank of Time Scientist!
…and a nifty lab coat
…and everyone who becomes a scientist…
…may join me in my Time Lab
…may use the Time Trekker
Just make sure not to cause a paradox
A paradox is an unresolved causality in time space
in other words…
…Don’t go back in time and play jokes on yourself
Why is Gary talking about Time Travel so much and why is the Time Trekker shown flying through the sky on the telescope? I am not quite sure what all of this is about but maybe it has something to do with Herbert's Operation Blackout that is happening next month! What do you think. Let me know in a comment. This is crazy!
- Lebron Jr 23
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