About Us

The Story:

In July of 2008, an experienced penguin by the name of Lebron Jr 23 joined Wordpress. (If you didn't know, my real name is Dustin) The problem though, was that Lebron didnt know much about web making. *Especially designing* But let's start from the beginning...

        On April of 2006, Lebron Jr 23 was made. My friend showed me Club Penguin one night when he was at my house. I thought it was very interesting. I began collecting coins as soon as possible and when I made my first 2000, I bought my first dance floor. (That's right, 2000 coins!) Back to the story. From there I became more and more experienced and let Club Penguin grow with me. I saw a little game made by a group of guys in Canada turn into a multimillion dollar game owned by Disney. It was amazing what was going on. Club Penguin was officially my favorite game of all time! After being around for so long and visiting such sites as Chrisdog93 and Tooly228, I made my own site. 

       Lebronjr23.wordpress.com was born! One month into it, I gave up though.*HaHa* I had no idea what I was doing. It was completely awful. I thought my first widget was amazing. It was just a picture I dragged from the internet, but I thought it was cool because my site now officially had graphics. I came back to blogging at Lebronjr23.wordpress.com in October of 2009. In the months I came back, I grew alot! I owe a lot of it to a great friend by the name of Jmann93, but i'll get to that in a second. After coming back to Wordpress, one month into that, I joined with Awsomebeto12. He became my partner! After being with him, my stats doubled. (about 30-50 a day) From there, I just kept blogging and blogging for another month. My stats stayed the same though. Why? I know why!

     Graphics. Graphics are a huge deal in the life of a Club Penguin blogger, and believe me, I was bad. I came across a graphic designer actually because he made fun of me in a chat for my horrible header. I said, "If you can do better, why don't you"? At that moment he said, "Fine I will", and the relationship with Runaduna was born. Funny start but boy was it beautiful. My stats doubled again. I was getting good, really good. (75-125 hits a day) I blogged for a couple of more months until December. In late December my mind was made up. I wanted to be bigger.


There was only one way for a guy like me to get bigger. I needed professional help. The professional help I received was from Jmann93. It was almost like destiny. One day on Skype I proposed my offer for him and he just couldn't refuse. He completely redesigned my 16,000 hits site and made it what it is today. Everything you see, thank him. Except posts of course, those are by yours truly. In January of 2010, we officially switched to Blogger and moved out of "Beta" mode. Lebronjr23CPcheats.com was born! Since then, Jmann93 and I have become great friends and great partners. 


This will be updated a lot, but this is where we are today. My site has 1,200,000 hits and growing, Rapidly.. Lebron Jr 23 still has the same love for the game as he did, when he started 5 years ago. Thanks to all of the fans for being so great and coming to my website for the latest cheats. I personally thank every single one of you.

-Lebron Jr 23