Attention Club Penguin Agents!

We need your attention Club Penguin agents! Herbert sent us to the H.Q with a bomb, at the end of mission 11, and it has exploded. There is popcorn everywhere, and the status of our H.Q is not good. We need your help and cooperation through these tough times. Check out the status of rooms around the island along with the H.Q. The Ski Village...

It is a disaster, right? Now look at the Sport Shop.
The general public thinks that this is just a random thing going on. The word going around, is that this is just all you can eat popcorn, but us agents know better! That is where we are now. This is what is left of our beloved H.Q.
What does this mean for the future of the P.S.A? Is this the end? Will there be no more mission? Who knows, but I hope we get everything fixed, and stop Herbert in his tracks! Click here for the Mission 11 Cheats.

-Lebron Jr 23


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