Club Penguin Sport Shop Closing?

While searching through the latest Club Penguin Times, I noticed something very intriguing. A lot of people passed this up, but it seems that the Sport Shop will be closing. Crazy, right? Check out this article.

What does this mean for the future of the P.S.A? It might mean there is none, believe it or not. The only agency may now be the E.P.F. I am not to sure, but maybe the Sport Shop will just be closed to the public. It may be disguised as something else now, and it will be a bigger H.Q. Who knows, really? Those are just some of my thoughts. What do you think?

-Lebron Jr 23


  1. Lebron! Oh my gosh! I didn't see that! I was too busy posting! I don't want it to close!

  2. Can you please give me a shout out i've worked SO HARD on my site and nobody comes :-(
