Club Penguin Adventure Party Guide And Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

We are officially underway! The decorations are out and so are the pirate boats. The Club Penguin Adventure Party is sure to be a hit! Heck, even Rockhopper is coming for this one. We are expecting Rockhopper to arrive Monday, the 21st! Are you excited? Well I am! To get things started, I wanted to walk you through the scavenger hunt. Lets go look for, not Rockhopper, but paper boats.. Haha..

Your first boat will be located at the Town. Take a look!

The second boat is located at the Beach on the Lighthouse.
The third boat will be at the Ski Village..
The next boat is at the Plaza. Check it out..
The fifth boat will be at the Forrest. Lets go!
For the sixth boat, you must go to the Forrest and move the rock. You will now enter a place where you will see  the Mermaid Cove. Look!
The seventh boat will be located at the Iceberg.
Finally, the eighth boat will be at the Snow Forts. Woohoo! Let's get this done.
Finally, the scavenger hunt is done. But wait, what is this? Once the hunt is done you will be asked to complete a puzzle. This is what will appear when you are done.
This can only mean one thing. We must now head over to the Cove and dig up our prize. Awesome! If you click Claim Prize on the note, you will receive a Treasure Cove background for your playercard. Now, check out this picture. I have highlighted all of the things for you to take notice to.
  • Notice the jackhammer on the left. This will give you the hard hat I am currently wearing!
  • The big "X" in the middle, is where you will need to drill. (Dance)
  • Last, make sure your penguin is dressed like mine. This is how you will pull out the jackhammer! Once you drill, you should receive your item. Now that you have accomplished this, you will receive the Pirate Bandanna.

     I wish I could say that this was the end, but we have some more to do! Like any good party, this one features a free item. To get to the free item, first head to the Forrest. (Right here is a good time to make sure you are a member.) Now that you are at the Forrest, head up to the tree house. You will find the Marooned Outfit here. Now just waddle over and select "Yes."
    This is officially the end. Now all we can do is wait for Rockhopper! We will have the ultimate Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker for June 2010. I can't wait! Leave us a comment and let us know if we helped you with the Adventure Party.

    -Lebron Jr 23


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