22nd Club Penguin E.P.F. Field Op Cheats!

Hello penguins! Today, the 22nd Club Penguin Field Op was released. In this weeks mission, it is our duty to shut down a barrel that may have a popcorn device in it. Once you have seen your duty, just accept your Field Op, and move on! To find the barrel, make your way to the Hidden Lake.  To get to the Hidden Lake, go to the Forest, the move the rock. Once you are at the Hidden Lake, walk over to the barrel. 

22nd Club Penguin E.P.F. Field Op Cheats!
From here, you should notice that your E.P.F. spy phone is ringing! This is where your Field Op will officially begin! From here, it is very similar to past Field-Ops. As you will remember, you are in a race against the clock to destroy all of the matching circuits. In reality, all it is, is a matching game! Good luck agent!
So what do you think of the 22nd Club Penguin Field Op? Let me know in a comment if this guide was helpful, and let me know which new clothing item you unlocked! Until next time..

-Lebron Jr 23


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