Lebron's Rants : Club Penguin Times!

Hello everyone, and welcome to, "Lebron's Rants", in this weeks edition, I would like to talk about the Club Penguin Times. That's right. So we all know about the new design, right? Well today, Club Penguin Founder Billybob, or Lane Merrifield, came out publicly about the new design. This is what he had to say..

"Since we changed the look of the newspaper a few weeks ago, we've heard from some of you that you liked the old style better. Just wanted to let you know a bit about WHY we changed the newspaper... The old version of the newspaper was taking a LOT of the team's time to make every week. So we wanted to make a new version that would take less time to make, but still keep you up-to-date on all the latest news on the island.So here's some good news: Now that we've changed the newspaper, the team can spend MORE time on other things you've have been asking for, like parties, puffles, games and other new stuff! We should have told you about this sooner. Sorry it took so long to let you know! Thanks for your patience and for all the great feedback you guys have sent to us. Keep the ideas coming... we're always looking for ways to make Club Penguin better for you!"
So here are my thoughts... WOW! Really?!.. Before I start, let's establish one thing. Club Penguin is not broke. In any way shape or form. Do you think Disney would buy in for no reason? This is a multi let me stress the word MULTI, Multimillion dollar company. They sell toys, books, games, the list is endless. Yet, it is very aware to them that we want the old paper back, yet they say it is taking too much time for designers.. Come on son... Hire some more, this is a total cop out, and is completely ridiculous and almost crazy. If Club Penguin comes through on the deal, with some intensely great parties, and like 70 new Puffles this year, then hey, they did have a reason. Lane if you are out there, I am not trying to bash you or put the company down, but this is a bit ridiculous. I think you would have been a lot better off not going public with that statement, and if you are trying to make a game we like, you should really do want the customers want, no matter the circumstances. If it takes so long, you really need to think about a faster process, or hiring some more designers. You know what they say, the customer is ALWAYS right. If this results in "better" parties, more stuff, and maybe more missions, I will be thrilled! But something is telling me otherwise and that we may just see some slight improvements here and there. But hey, let's hope for the best! Let me know your thoughts in a comment..

- Lebron Jr 23


  1. It takes them nearly 100 hours per newspaper...

  2. I wish they let non members buy clothes and get items and everything for everybody

  3. Wow Omg They Take Like 2 Weeks To Update The Newspaper new!
    And The New newspaper Isnt Better That The Old Times.the Old Times Is Wayy Better And They Are Lazy To Update It! Clubpenguin Has To Update It And not be Lazy Because If They Just Upsated The Newspaper And didnt Change The Old Times..Its Worth It Its Worth Updating The Old Times Then Penguins Will Be Happy And Not Freak Out Like A Spycho Maniac! LOL

  4. Trainman1405 is correct, although the old newspapers were better to be honest!

    -Loki Terry

  5. For God's sake, guys! The look has changed. Why do you even care?! You say he should of thought up a "faster process" - well he did! This.
    You have no idea what goes in behind the scenes of Club Penguin. You have no idea whether they're broke or not - it's not that hard to hide. You have no idea how many people are employed and you have no idea how much it costs to employ each artist and writer.
    Stop insulting. It's a little change and it'll be making a big difference. -.-

  6. If it took them SO long then why did they always release it early? I 100% agree with this post..

  7. Homer Simpsons LoverDecember 3, 2010 at 3:42 AM

    OK I just saw this on Cena12121's site so I just gotta say this BILLYBOB'S A GIRL!??!?!?!?

  8. Homer Simpsons Lover (again)December 3, 2010 at 3:43 AM

    Oh wait, the picture was Billybob wasn't it? So he is a boy...YES!

  9. That's One Sexy Post Twin! Keep Up The Ranting! ;)
