Club Penguin Field Ops #30 Cheats

Attention all agents! It has been another week now since you last completed another Field Op. It seems some thieves have been up to no good again and have decided to steal some more parts. Gary is working on a new gadget, but we need to upgrade the antennae first. Head on over and talk to Gary the Gadget Guy for all the Information.

The EPF Antennae is located at the top of the Ski Hill, disguised by the Ski Hill pole. Waddle over to the top of the antennae.
Your Elite Phone will then start buzzing, and you must recharge the antennae batteries for Gary the Gadget Guy's latest preparation!

You will then receive a new EPF Medal which you may exchange each week for a new item for your elite agent. What did you guys think of the new Field Op? Comment and let us know!

Waddle On,

-Penguitt (Lebron Jr23 Author)
Follow @Penguitt on Twitter!


  1. Im having a party! Go to

    for more info
