Lebron Jr 23 Gets One Million Views!

Well, we did it. We hit the one thing that every blogger strives for.. One Million Views! This is a tremendous accomplishment and I have so much to say. This post will probably end up like a novel, so I have decided to leave you with a video just in case you are not in the reading mood.

    If you noticed, I used the song "down" in my Club Penguin video above. That song was actually inspired by my "mentor" Jmann93 who used the same song on his site when he reached one million views. It has been a long journey to this point and I can't believe what has happen since October of 2009. I really want to thank a few penguins who were not mentioned in the video. First, a buddy of mine by the name of Awsomebeto. If you ever see this, I just want to thank you for always believing in me and helping me with my site early on, on Wordpress. You were a huge help and I could never thank you enough for being my friend. I had an awesome time working on your site and I am glad you have moved on to other things now. It is important to do what you want in life and I am glad you are happy with what you are doing now. Next I would like to thank my buddy RunaDuna. You gave my site life you were my first official graphic designer. You were a great friend and made my site run along with Awsomebeto at an early age. You guys rock. 
    If you ever thought what I accomplished with my site was easy, let me tell that you it was not. When I first began blogging I was online almost every hour of the day, every day of the week. Club Penguin blogging is something you dedicate yourself to, and work hard at to be your best. I have given away over 50 coin codes and many other codes. Giving back is important to me and as long as my site is around, I will always be giving back to the fans that make this site what it is. I have worked so hard for this moment and it is just an unbelievable feeling of satisfaction and thankfulness. None of this is possible without the man above and a lot of credit goes there too. I never thought that when I started this site as a 14 year old, that  I would be here today, with all of the support and fans I have, and be able to say that I, Lebron Jr 23, own a blog with over one million views. That truly means something to me. And it truly is something to feel proud of.

   If you ever think that you are not capable of doing this or accomplishing what I have, you need to think again. I started playing Club Penguin in 2006 and ever since then, I knew I wanted to own a successful site and be popular on Club Penguin. Well I didn't know much about web sites but I still put it upon myself to try my hardest. Applying myself was the easiest part but making the site was the hardest. Fortunately I surrounded myself with a great group of friends and they were very helpful. I owe my sites success  mainly to the help of Jmann93, Ninjaboyz, Tommy, and Blowsight. All great people that I could never thank enough, that helped me get the site up and running. I then took it upon myself to learn the rest, step by step. So don't ever think you can't do something because you can if you take the initiative!  

  So where do we go from here? We keep progressing. This is not the end. This is only the start of what is to come. We are not here to stop at one million. We need to reach 2, then 3, then 4. That is the only way we can be one of the top sites around. If you guys are ready to be behind me on this, then I am ready to start making the steps in the right direction. I couldn't ask for a better supporting cast or better fans. You guys truly are the greatest and I thank you for everything you guys do. You guys make me laugh all the time with things you say to me through Twitter. Let's keep this thing going, and let's shoot for the starts. Remember.. If you put your mind to it, you truly can accomplish anything.

   But wait, I said something about a party on Twitter and at the top of this post right? Well there is a party on the way and it is going to be the BIGGEST PARTY I HAVE EVER HOSTED. I hope Club Penguin's servers are ready for this. Oh No! Haha. Well anyway, get ready! Deatails will be up shortly for my official one million Club Penguin hits party!

- Lebron Jr 23


  1. Congrats dude! You really deserve it... Here is what i wrote on twitter will just copy and paste the whole thing XDD

    @LebronJr23CP I think i got it :P i was on it and thought it said 1 million and then i opened my screenshot thingy and it showed 1000003 :(( But anyways-- thats besides the point! CONGRATULATIONS LEBRON :D You really deserve this achievement and i hope you continue on to become even MORE aweswomer than your awesomeness can SWAG XDD #LebronSwag Congrats dude!!! :D

  2. Great vid! Just made me feel emotional and envious!

  3. awesome dude! i help Tommy23456 on www.tommy23456.com but not the topic. ok congratz dude! and JUST after tommy23456 nice dude!!!!!!!!!

    Mad Penguin1

    Is the party over?

  4. LOTS OF MEMORIES!! :'D congrats lebron and ohhzz... I love My picture on that vid xD LOL congrats!! Now let's both go for 2 :3 haha :D

  5. This blog is great! Thanks, to your friend Tommy 23456, I looked in this blog for the first time and wow! Congrats.
