Hey everyone. I found a very exciting sneak peek in the video Happy77 posted on Youtube. I have the video posted below if you want to see it. But, in the video, you can actually see the brand new Club Penguin Band performing. Isn't that awesome. I tried to get the best picture I could for you. Check it out..
In case you might have forgotten what the old Club Penguin Band used to look like, at the Iceberg, I went out and got this picture for you. Take a look...
So what do you think? Do you like the change? I don't necessarily like the old Club Penguin band better, but I do think that it is more classic. Like it is more original. And I will miss it. Won't you? Let me know in a comment..
- Lebron Jr 23
Stompin' Bob is the best! G Billy is cool! Franky is OK! No comment for Petey K!