Club Penguin - Liam Talks About Puffle Toys and the Puffle Handler!

Hey penguins! A new video on the official Club Penguin channel has been released today. Starring in this new video is one of Club Penguin's very own, Liam! Check out this new puffle-based video.

What do you think about this video? Make sure to leave your comments and opinions below!

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. haha, never heard of Liam till now! :D He's pretty cool :3 Anyways, LOVE THE SITE! :DDD
    LeBronjr23's biggest fan <3

  2. Whats up with the tie thing??? XD I HAVE to get that Frankenstein hat for my puffle!!! It would look so awesome on him...

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan
    -Come waddle with me on CP! On every day Sleet,Dock!-
