Club Penguin - New Pumpkin Head Free Item!

Hey penguins! Many penguins across the globe have been noticing that lots of penguins have picked up a new free item, the Pumpkin Head! How can you get this item? You simply use the code Pumpkin1 the same way you'd use a coin code!

Want to share your opinions about this new code? Comment below!

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. Woah, awesome! Thanks Frosty for informing meh! :D

  2. As Fretv said, AWESOME! I got this before you posted this but it took a long time to realize how they got the pumpkin. U have to say 'Pumpkin no space won' to tell others : I P.S. Thanks for the add Lebron! I thought I would never c u! Still waiting for u Fretv...hope to c u soon brotha...

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr's BUDDY! : D
    -Come waddle with me on CP! On everyday Sleet,Dock!-
