Club Penguin Card Jitsu Party November 2011 Guide + Cheats

Hey penguins! For the past two years, Club Penguin has released new elements for the Card Jitsu game. This year though, they took a new approach. There is currently a Club Penguin Card Jitsu party for the two elements that have already been released. This now leads us to the question, "When does Card Jitsu Snow release?". Unfortunately, I do not have an answer for you. Although, I do think it will be sooner then you think! Get ready to "dig" because SNOW IS on the way! ;) 


When you log into Club Penguin, you will immediately get your All Access Battle Pass. This pass allows you to play Card Jitsu Fire and Water even if you are not a member.

Free Items

You can find up to four free items at this party. Two are available to non-members and two are not. The first two that I will show you are for you non-members. Here we go. You can find the first two items at the Town and at the Plaza.

To receive the next two items, you must be able to enter the cave. The cave for the two elements is in the Forest and the Dock. You must be a member to enter the cave. To receive the the free item, you have to play the game in the cave. Throw snowballs by hitting "t" on your keyboard and throw them at the targets. If your side wins, the cage to the free item will open. Grab the item quick because you only have about 4 seconds!

So what do you think of the Card Jitsu party? I think it is a great new idea and the new rooms look excellent. Remember, don't get too competitive. More than anything, this a celebration of Card Jitsu. This is not a competition. The other element is a brother, not a villain. As you can see, I am a Water ninja in my pictures! So go water! (Or am I a water ninja... DRAMATIC MUSIC HERE)

- Lebron Jr 23


  1. Awesome cheats Jr! Like the Halloween party, you combined all the cheats into one post. I, again, thought that was cool...

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  2. Thanks! I thought combining was cool too!
