Club Penguin: New Penguin Times Issue #326

Hey penguins! Aunt Arctic has finally released a brand new Penguin Times Newspaper issue for penguins all over the island to check up on the latest news buzzing around the island. In this week's focus: the new Better Igloos catalog released today! Check it out.

What do you think is going to happen during the Fashion Show on February 2nd? Leave your comments and opinions about it below!

-Frosty Badge, Author


  1. I think the Fashion Show will be in the Gift Shop. It was shown in the "What's Next In 2012?" video released by Club Penguin. It actually looks pretty awesome, and Im not even a fashion-kind-of-guy XD

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  2. Great guess, Slider! And, thank you, Pingu Pingey! :)
