Club Penguin Rookie Tracker January 2012

Welcome to the Official Rookie Tracker for January 2012. If you don't know who Rookie is, he was a very high ranked agent with the P.S.A. and now the E.P.F.. Remember, you will have to REFRESH the page for our tracker to update! REMEMBER- If the Rookie tracker is not updating, USE THE CHAT BELOW! It helps! We wish you luck while tracking Rookie and we know you can find him! Without further ado, here is our official Club Penguin, Rookie Tracker for January 2012
Club Penguin Rookie Tracker January 2012
Server: Tracking.. (REFRESH)
Room: Town  (REFRESH)
Last Seen: Ice Cream (REFRESH)

I am going to leave you with my official Rookie Tracker chat. We use this every time a famous penguin comes to the island and it is a very good chat! Make sure to track and talk with others! Your ultimate Rookie tracking cheat is going to be to use this chat. Scroll down to use our Ultimate Rookie Tracker January 2012 chat.

Tips For Finding Rookie:
Club Penguin Rookie Tracker
1. When tracking Rookie, make sure to check highly crowded servers. (Sleet, Mammoth, and Blizzard)
2. Keep in mind that Rookie is sometimes a bot and will not always repsond to what you say. 
3. Make sure to understand that for the Expedition Party, Rookie will mainly be found in party rooms
4. Rookie changes servers every 15 minutes or so. He can also be on two servers at once! Keep your eyes open, and keep moving. Make sure to grab Rookies background when you find him too!
Rookie Tracker 2011

- Lebron Jr 23, Owner


  1. I havent met Rookie yet, but I'll be sure to meet him with incredible tracking machine :D

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  2. Does anyone know where any famos penguins are RIGHT NOW?No spams please.

  3. I have followed your trackers for a year or two now and have found them to be very useful.
    However I believe that at the top of your tracker post you should write when the background is from e.g.Dec 2008 or NEW etc.
    It would help everyone a lot to know they aren't tracking for a background they already have :) Thanks

  4. @Anonymous It has a picture of what the current BG it is in the post (at the bottom). If someone was trying to figure out what BG it was they would look IN the post, not just the title of the post...Otherwise, thanks for commenting :) Are you ready to track?

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  5. hello lebron jr 23,you are on my blogroll at,can i please be on yours?

    -Penguin 515

  6. Where's rookie need to know a.s.a.p!!!

  7. Hey Slider, do you go on Lebron's chat? I have joined for at least 1/4 years. I'd like to know when you go on because the people who track there are excellent! Lemme know when u can talk :)

  8. Rookie found Thanks to lebron's chat we should have a thank you party for lebron!!!

  9. @Funnybum554 I do go on the LJR23 Chat! I try to get on at least three times a week. Maybe every day now since its "tracking season" and I only have 4 days to find Rookie! If you happen to see me on the chat, I'm always willing to talk!

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  10. I found Rookie about an hour ago along with a lot of others! I was on the chat and we eventually got a tip Rookie was on French Yeti, which I looked in to. I confirmed the location and shared it with the others on the chat. It was pretty awesome even though I had no idea what Rookie was saying! I think he even smiled at me! It only took about ONE HOUR to find him, which is amazing time! Thank you Lebron and the awesome chat! I highly reccomend it, as always.

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan
    P.S. Rookie has a new BG!

  11. Oh cool Slider! I'm a subscriber at times when I get days. I never really see you, what's your usual name. And to my other friends at Lebron Jr chat. I am not able to go on Lebron Jr chat for a few days. I could make a surprise visit, but it highly seems unlikely. Make sure to tell other people:( The reason I can't go on is because our Adobe Player won't work. If you think I did quit, I didn't, it's just I am not able to go on. If you could tell the people of Lebron like Waddles, Puffles, Mario and others I can't come, I'd be greatful. Hope I can see you very soon! I sent this message by iPod

  12. My name is Slider9595 on LJR23 Chat. I'll the others why you're gone ASAP. See you soon!

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  13. Ok, I'm turning up a bit lately!

  14. I told them Slider, they know:)

  15. Where's slider9595? I want to add u on cp penguin name: Rocknstar200 thaw slider9595 c I then!

  16. Typo I meant thxs lol gtg school

  17. @Rocknstar200 I'd be happy to add you! Just send me a request. Then I will be able to know where you are on CP and we can hang out. Waddle on!

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  18. Thxs slider9595 I come on like about every Friday I'm also on lebron's chat as Mr. Icecubean so I'll be there on Friday nights also so I'm a slider fan and a Lebron fan so yeah lol!

  19. can you put a tracker of me. im on severs that have less people. my club penguin is dc moster04.

  20. @AnonymoUs no ur not famous so go on some other website don't poop on somewhere here

  21. post this to 6 trackers open your account press F4 and F5 together then you will get 500,000 and a 1 year membership

  22. post this to 6 trackers open your account press F4 and F5 together then you will get 500,000 and a one year membership
