Club Penguin Field Op #75 Walkthrough

Today Club Penguin have updated, like every week and have also bought a party to the town as well. This party is the April Fools party as it's close to the beginning of April. Anyway, to start of, the new Field Op 75 is out and we want to give you the best walkthrough of it. To start this, you'll notice your Spy Phone is ringing. Pick it up and go to the Elite Command Room.
Here, go up to the Field-Ops board where Gary awaits you. Read his orders.
Well, you heard his orders. He wants us to find a giant Candy Cane. To find this Candy Cane, locate your self to the snow forts. Go inside the box dimension, and there you'll see a box dimension with an ice cream as the icon. 
Go inside this dimension, where you'll see chocolate fountains, Candy stool and a lot more. You'll now notice that you can see a giant Candy Cane at the top of the chocolate waterfall. Go there and you'll see that your spy phone will start to ring.
So, now pick up your spy phone that is the icon on the bottom right of your screen. You'll now see that you have got to complete a task. The task that is given to you is called 'In Coming Targets'.
This task is just like one of those Treasure Hunts that you'll be given in school to locate the treasure, except the concept in this game is shot and blow up the targets. You can blow up these targets by moving your two icons. You have to move the 'x' and 'y' coordinate icons to blow them up. When you've completed this task, Rookie will send you a message.
This message isn't very important, but it reads.
Woah! What the? How did I get in here? It looks like I'm stuck in someone's Spy Phone. Cool! Whoever this is, please don't hang up yet! I'm looking for a portal out... Okay, I found one! Happy April Fool's!
Thats very nice from Rookie, and I'm glad to say that we all will have a brilliant April Fools. So, what did you think about this Field-Op, or even the party? Let us know in a comment.

~Fretv, author


  1. Cool! I never knew Gary was a jokester like that!

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan
