Club Penguin Puffle Handler Tracker March 2012

Club Penguin Puffle Handler Tracker March 2012
Welcome to my official Club Penguin Puffle Handler "PH" March 2012 tracker. The Puffle Handler is coming just in time for the Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012. Not only will I have all of the awesome cheats for the Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012, I will also have an awesome new Club Penguin PH Tracker! I am very excited to start tracking because this is a brand new mascot on the island. If you don't know too much about her, don't feel bad. This will be her first time to ever waddle around. As always, I have a Puffle Handler March 2012 tracker and tracking chat, below. Both are very useful tools that you can use. If you notice that the tracker is not updating, please watch the chat. The chat is very efficient.. Let's get tracking!

Server: Check Chat Below (REFRESH)
Room:  Tracking.. (REFRESH)
Last Seen: Invasion Puffle (ESP)
Club Penguin PH Tracker March 2012
Below is the official "PH" chat. We use this every time a famous penguin comes to the island and it works very well! Make sure to track and talk with others. Your ultimate Puffle Handler tracking cheat is going to be using this chat. 

Tips For Finding Puffle Handler:
  1. When tracking Puffle Handler, make sure to check highly crowded servers. (Sleet, Mammoth, and Blizzard)
  2. Make sure to understand that for the Puffle party, Puffle Handler will mainly be found inside the party room/rooms. 
  3. Keep in mind that PH is sometimes a bot and will not always repsond to what you say.  
  4. Puffle Handler changes servers every 15 minutes or so. she can also be on two servers at once! Keep your eyes open, and keep moving. Make sure to grab PH's background when you find her too!

- Lebron Jr 23, Owner


  1. I met her yesterday because of the awesome chat!

    ~Slider9595, Lebron Jr Fan

  2. I need to find her so bad I want her stamp! But I have met Cena12121 Riffy8888 Zz Wicked Wickz Peacesign99 Graser 8 and so I still want To meet ph though I need a really good website! --Rocknstar200

  3. I met rockhopper, I want to meet all the famous people. I need help.

  4. post this to 6 trackers open your account press f4 and F5 together then you get 500,000 and a 1 year membership

    1. do you suspect anyone to believe you

  5. post this to 6 trackers open your account press f4 and F5 together then you get 500,000 and a 1 year membership

  6. post this to 6 trackers open your account press f4 and F5 together then you get 500,000 and a 1 year membership

  7. post this to 6 trackers open your account press f4 and F5 together then you get 500,000 and a 1 year membership

  8. Hey heres a glitch. Post this into 6 trackers ThAn log in your account. Press F3 and F5 at the same time ThAn you get 500,000 coins and a 1 year member. IT SOUNDS SCARY BUT IT REALLY WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
