Club Penguin "The Party Starts Now" - Cadence Ultimate (Music) Jam 2012

To kick things off for the Club Penguin Ultimate Jam Party, formerly known as the Music Jam, Club Penguin has released this video on Youtube. This is the first time we have ever heard Cadence talk and we got to hear her in style. It's a full length video/song of Cadence singing about the upcoming party! Check it out.

It's a really cool song and it will even be available soon on iTunes. Also, at the 55 second mark, you can see Herbert for a split second! You will have to look really close and maybe even pause the video. You will notice Herbert's shadow with a wrench, the speaker blows up, and then they pan to Gary and Gary doesn't know what happen.
What could this possibly mean? What could this mean for this years Club Penguin Ultimate Jam Party? Do you think that Herbert could possibly be on the way? That would be crazy! I guess we will just have to wait and see. Leave a comment.

- Lebron Jr 23


  1. I'm excited for the first party that has returned from last year! -Rock

  2. Glad to see you posting again Lebron. Have a good time in Vegas! (And remember, whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. XD)


  3. Can't wait.


    PS:watch are vids on youtube we're making a countdown right now.Bye.
