Club Penguin Halloween Party Commercial 2012

Hey everyone! Lebron Jr 23 here. First, I would just like to say how good it feels to be back and posting.
Today I found a really cool Halloween commercial that Club Penguin has running on multiple television stations. Keep an eye out the next time you are watching TV! Thanks to our friends over at, we have the video for you below..

Not only do we get to hunt ghosts at this awesome new party but we will be able to turn into ghosts ourselves. Sounds crazy! Soon, I will have a brand new theme and design on the site for the Halloween party so keep your eyes peeled. Also, I heard some interesting news about an ancestor of Gary for this Halloween Party. I can't go into much detail just yet but we will have our Club Penguin Gary Tracker October 2012 ready, just in case. Leave a comment.

- Lebron Jr 23


  1. Hey Bron, Your site is a great site, so I will be giving it a $50,000 reward. Go on twitter and tweet @JetHornetCP and I will give you the money using PayPal.

    - Horney
