Club Penguin Field Op #103 Walkthrough

Recently Club Penguin have updated the Field Ops, like every week and are also bringing the Halloween party to the island very soon. This party is the halloween party as it's close to the end of October. Anyway, to start of the new Field Op 102 is out and we want to give you the best walkthrough of it. To start this, you'll notice your Spy Phone is ringing. Pick it up and go to the Elite Command Room.

Here, go up to the Field-Ops board where Gary awaits you. Read his orders.

Well, you heard his orders. He wants us to find some notes in a cabinet. To find this, locate your self to the Boiler Room. When you get there you'll see a Cabinet. Go up towards this.
When you finally locate this, your spy phone will start to ring. So, now pick up your spy phone that is the icon on the bottom left of your screen. You'll now see that you have got to complete a task. The task that is given to you is called 'Lock Detective'.

This task is very simple. All you have to do in order to crack the lock is listen to the tempo of the lock and then repeat it. Make sure that you're precise and you must match each lock twice. When you've completed this task, Gary will send you a message.

This message isn't very important, but it reads.
Eureka! You found my Great Uncle Gariwald's lost laboratory notes. Well done! Hmm... Before he disappeared, it looks like he was investigating paranormal ectoplasmic activity. In other words.... ghosts.
Seems like Ghosts will appear this halloween party, like last year. So, what did you think about this Field-Op, are you anticipating the Halloween Party? Let us know in a comment.

~Fretv, author


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