A Message From Lebron Jr 23 : We're Moving

Hey everyone! Lebron Jr 23 here. Due to some problems that I have been having with google, I have decided to start fresh with a brand new blog. If you do not see updates on this blog, that is why. I will be working very hard to get a new site up and running in the next month. The current domain name www.lebronjr23cpcheats.com will automatically go to the new site when it is ready and up and running. I am a little sad with google because I have worked hard for 3 years to earn a good pagerank. Now, it seems as if I am moving backwards because I appear nowhere on their search results. It's a little depressing to start over but we will see what happens.

I would like to thank everyone for always visiting this site and making it so special. It is because of you that I have been around this long and your constant support is what keeps me going every day. This change will serve as a blessing in disguise because it will inspire to make new guides for the website and improve upon some of our old guides. In the end, the new website will be a much better overall experience and I can't wait to unveil it. I will be posting updates on this blog until it is ready. Waddle on..

Lebron Jr 23


  1. I mean at least you will still play and still have a blog now right? its just that you have left your blog to a new blog sad but you still get to play and blog!

  2. if you move back words we all move back words with you!

  3. So glad you are not taking down the blog- it's fantastic! Also congratulations on the election! You would have been a great CP president!

  4. Sad.... but:
    Operation Blackout is amazinggg so far!!!

    Also, you should check out my AWESOME YOUTUBE CHANNEL! I would appreciate if you could even Subscribe, too!


    Thanks! ~P00pee1
