With more and more details developing every day about Operation Blackout, it seems that Herbert is going to try and turn Club Penguin into what he calls, "Club Herbert". I mean, even his twitter handle is @ClubHerbert. It's no wonder why he chose that name! I think it is very obvious that Herbert is trying to send a message that he truly wants to not only get rid of us and our loud parties, but he wants to take over the island. Today on Twitter, he tweeted this picture.
Apparently, this is the play that will be happening at the stage during Operation Blackout. I guess Herbert will succeed to some extent at this event. Expect to see Herbert walking around the island for this "party" and even handing out his own background. I think it will be really interesting seeing something other than a penguin on the island. This will be the first time ever that this has happened. Remember, we will have a
Club Penguin Herbert Tracker for you when he arrives! Make sure to track with us. Leave a comment.
- Lebron Jr 23
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