Rockhopper Is On The Way! Argghh!

Aye aye mateys! Our nice, friendly, pirate friend; Rockhopper, will be returning to this island this month to help out with Coins For Change! Coins For Change is an annual celebration Club Penguin has where you can donate coins from your penguin towards one event of usually three that Club Penguin selects. These are usually either eco friendly problems, or helping with kids in other countries! The winning problem will get money donated to them by Club Penguin! How cool is that?! And to get in on the action, Rockhopper will be returning this December, 2010! Check out this weeks Club Penguin Times..

Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker
So what do you guys think about Rockhopper coming? I always love when he visitis the island because tracking for him is truly awesome. Make sure to return so we can have all the help and trackers we can get! Leave a comment..

- Lebron Jr 23


  1. Hi Lebron Jr 23!

    I'm Pengwing4; your buddy on CP. I just wanted to say that your blog is the best EVA! What did you use to get your theme? I used Artisteer.

