What Does Club Penguin Need To Do?

If you are not apart of the Club Penguin Twitter world, I am here to fill you in on what you are missing. Today, many penguins flocked to the subject of old Club Penguin. Many thought Club Penguin was better a few years ago, others said Club Penguin is fine the way it is. A lot of people like to blame Disney for any problems with Club Penguin but I don't like pointing the finger at the Mouse. No matter who we want to blame, it is obvious that a large group of penguins have a problem with the current state of Club Penguin. This is what leads us to the question, "What Does Club Penguin Need To Do?"
1. Club Penguin Needs To Get Back To The Basics

There is a reason that Club Penguin drew the eye of Disney in the first place. The success they got with minimal marketing was impressive and to be honest, they didn't need to market it. Their users marketed the game themselves! That is how good the game was. Kids were telling other kids about this new game they were playing, and that is exactly what Club Penguin needed! Now, let me explain what I mean by "Getting Back To The Basics". It's very simple. 
The average player back in 2006 was about 9-12 years old. This means that these players are now around 18+ years old! I call these players, Generation 1, and trust me, most of these players are no longer playing. So, Why doesn't Club Penguin go back to some of the original parties that earned them fame to begin with. If these parties were a hit with generation 1 Club Penguin players, chances are they will be a hit with generation 2 as well! I think generation 2 will also get a kick out of seeing pieces of Club Penguin's history. Some notable parties that could be brought back are the Winter Luau, Western Party, Water Party, Summer Party and color release parties like the Lime Green Party. Also, even celebrating the release of a new room like the Lighthouse was a really cool party!  Simple Club Penguin parties but a lot of fun! I understand some of these parties had very rare items that Club Penguin may not want to bring back, but maybe they could have new items that are inspired by the old rare items. For example, instead of having another red lei at the Luau, have a green lei!
I understand that Club Penguin is always trying to bring new content to the game but if this new generation of players has never experienced the classic Club Penguin parties, isn't it still technically new content to these new players? Besides, I know that I am not the only one that misses songs like this. This was a classic!

2. More Player Involvement

On and off the game! Wouldn't it be cool if they held meet and greets for the staff or had events around the world. Imagine meeting Billybob! Like, real life Club Penguin events! This would create interest for people that don't already know about Club Penguin and it would be a really cool place for players to talk and meet each other. A special item at these events would also be really cool. Club Penguin has never really gone into the "Real World" outside of Disney World meet and greets, a coat drive on Good Morning America, and a few other very small events.
Club Penguin has also done a great job recently coming into the social media space. They now have multiple twitter accounts and even a Youtube channel. Even with all of these new ways of communicating, they still lack responding to penguins. I understand that they have a support team and that Club Penguin also responds to some Youtube comments, but it is still really hard to feel and believe that you are important or that you have a role in the game. Believe it or not, Club Penguin and Billybob used to email and even comment on Club Penguin blogs. I myself have even received a copy of Herbert's Revenge completely free of charge from Billybob!
Club Penguin rarely to never follows normal penguins on Twitter and their responses to penguins are slim. I do applaud their Support team though because they do a great job with both emails and phone calls. So a big thumbs up to everyone over there! Club Penguin if you are reading this, please get involved with penguins on Twitter and please get involved with Club Penguin bloggers again. A lot of bloggers put in a lot of hard work and that occasional email / blog comment is always a nice way of keeping us motivated and letting us know that you guys appreciate our work!
This is a little bias because I am a blogger myself, but I truly believe that some benefits should come around every so often from the Club Penguin team to some dedicated bloggers. In fact, some bloggers have the appeal and in game power of some major mascots! (One of my parties below)
Even though Club Penguin never really talks about Club Penguin bloggers or puts articles about us in the newspaper, many penguins flock to us and we have a very big "silent" role in Club Penguin. A free membership now and then would be really nice! They should want to keep these players playing and happy! Losing these players is not the end of the world for Club Penguin, but it definitely shows that Club Penguin is interested in keeping some of their biggest players happy. When Club Penguin provides benefits and sends emails to these bloggers, it gets the fans of these blogs excited and it encourages more blogs to be developed too. It is every kids dream to get that email from Billybob! This provides some crucial marketing tactics for Club Penguin and it promotes the general idea of creating a blog in hopes that one day you will get that email from Billybob. It is CRUCIAL that Club Penguin interacts with bloggers again!

3. Why Have We Not Had A New Mission?

We haven't had a new mission in about 2 years! I understand that we are now the EPF and not the PSA, but a lot of penguins are not crazy about Field Ops. Field Ops are really cool and we love how often we can do them, but Missions were awesome! People loved missions. I guess this all goes back to the beginning. Getting back to the basics! Club Penguin did a great thing keeping the old HQ's for us, but maybe they need to bring back the PSA too. Let us have the option of which program we want to join. I have a funny feeling that a lot of penguins want to be apart of the PSA again. Having that old spy phone might be cool too. 

4. Let's Face It, We Need A New Mascot

Mascots are one of the most exciting things about Club Penguin. Looking back, I remember how excited I used to get when Rockhopper visited and I remember that feeling I used to get it when looking for him. I wanted to find him more then anything! Also, a lot of mascots have parties or games just for themselves! For instance, Sensei has Card Jitsu. I think a new mascot that has a major role (party, room, game) would be a great thing for Club Penguin at this point. A mascot that has ties to a new game would be great. This mascot needs to have some major star power! This new mascot has to be on the same level as Rockhopper or even Gary. They can't be a newbie that no one cares about. Bringing a legend that people have always talked about like: "The Director or Rory", might be a great way to start!
They are bringing Rocky and Cece to a party at this moment. It's a good thing for now but this is not what I am talking about. This character needs to be a Club Penguin character only. Nothing else! Also, One of the greatest things about old tracking was how rare it was to find these guys. It needs to be that way again. Tracking has become WAY too easy! I'm sure you like it easy but it takes away the fun. Admit it.

5. Why Are We Raising The Price?

I have no problem with the recent price change from 5.99 to 7.99 a month and the other changes Club Penguin have made, but why are we making these changes. There has to be other ways Club Penguin makes money then charging its' users more. Doesn't Club Penguin have all kinds of toys and other things in stores? Why charge your players more that are trying to enjoy the game? I don't know who's idea it was but I am truly baffled by the raise. Just seems greedy if anything. If Club Penguin is really having trouble getting users these days, the price raise makes no sense. Especially in a poor to say the least, economy. The price should stay where it is. This is suppose to be cheap home entertainment!

6. Use Disney To Your Advantage

Even with all of the what seem to be negative comments that I am making, I really have to applaud Disney and Club Penguin on their latest projects. Using Disney as an advantage is very important. If you didn't know, Disney owns a lot of things. They own Marvel, Pixar, obviously the Disney channel, the list goes on and on. Therefore, Club Penguin can use things from these companies in their game. You noticed that they did that with the latest Marvel Superhero party. That was a GREAT move!
It took awhile for Club Penguin to do this, but it was a HUGE success. The Marvel Superhero party brought in record amounts of users. They are testing this same thing again with Rocky and Cece but I think they will quickly notice that they won't get the same response with them as they did with Marvel. Bringing in some things from maybe Phineas And Ferb, Toy Story or even Monsters Inc, might be the next brilliant move from Disney. Also, get back in their parks! Have some more Club Penguin related things at Disneyland and Disneyworld. Why is the Rockhopper meet and greet gone from Disney World?! Get back in these parks Club Penguin! I know you can do it.

7. "Generation 2" Needs To Define Itself

This is my last bit of advice. When people look back on "Generation 1" they always talk about all those things that they miss. How we don't have this anymore, how we don't have that anymore, etc. By the time "Generation 3" gets here, they need to be able to say that they miss things from Generation 2! I don't know what it is, but this new generation has still not made its' mark on Club Penguin history. I don't know if any current items will turn out rare in a couple of years, but I don't get that same feeling with items of today like I did with items of the past. If you notice, the design concept has even changed. Look at how different penguins used to look.
Old Club Penguin was basic and so was the design. Penguins weren't as complicated and penguins definitely looked different! Also, the simplicity of things is what made old club penguin so cool! Some like the new graphics, but the old ones were a hit! I don't expect Club Penguin to change back to their old graphics (because they shouldn't) but I just think it is something to point out. I also feel that Club Penguin is pumping out WAY too many new items. They need to have fewer more simple items like back in the day! We need to feel the "Rarenees" of items again! Also, GO BACK TO THE OLD NEWSPAPER! This new newspaper is kind of pathetic. Club Penguin said that the old paper was too time consuming but with all of the staff that they can hire, they should at the very least be providing us with the best possible content. No excuses.

8. What Can We Do?

To be honest, we can do a lot! We are the reason Club Penguin even exists. They listen to us! If you found any of my points interesting, send them an email. Provide them with a link to this article or even tell them some things you would like. They'll listen if enough of us take a stand! If you have anything to add in or would like to tell me something, please Leave A Comment
Last, I am going to provide you with a link to Club Penguin Support. If you need to send Club Penguin an email, Click Here. Club Penguin can only improve with our honest criticism. We aren't being mean, we are helping them! If you would like to send them a tweet, Click Here. Please leave a comment. I would love to hear your thoughts.

- Lebron Jr 23


  1. Hi LebronJR23 Fans! :D I just wanted to say, I tottaly agree with EVERYTHING you said above! :) I, myself, is a 1st Genoration penguin. But, like you said, All CP needed is that everyone to tell there friends, and that is what did happen! I was at my friends once and I said "OMG, What is that game you are playing" and they said Club Penguin. I was soo confused, I never heard of it! They then took me to my house, and made my self an account! I love CP!! So.. really.. I AGREE with you ;)

    ~Troy56021 :)

  2. Penny37017_ImeshNHLMNTCJuly 16, 2012 at 12:20 PM

    Is a 2008 made penguin a Generation 1? If yes, then I'm Generation 1. This post is one that deserves to be read by the ClubPenguin Team. I emailed them the link to this post

  3. I think cp needs to go back to the olden days. like psa and all that stuff i think cp is trying to hard. they need to get back to basics.

    Any free cupcakes? o:

    -Funny ☺

  4. Two things! How Did you get that game for free off billybob? And i will take a stand with you!- mars2100

  5. Yes tell cp to bring back the better hat

    1. Club Penguin won't ever bring ever bring the Beta Hat back because it is a one time only item that wont ever come back.

  6. I agree with most of the points stated on this post, but I also have 1 more thing I believe that should be implemented: more presence in the other countries of the world. I live in Brazil and there are almost 40 million children on the internet in our country today. In 2009 there was nothing from Club Penguin here, today though, there's Club Penguin toys in every single store, Club Penguin stamp albums, Club Penguin events in a lot of malls, and even the Club Penguin Magazine that was exclusive for the UK in the past months is now available here, translated to portuguese. However, the integration w/ bloggers here is not as deep as in the US. The maximum Club Penguin will do is sharing exclusive news to the most famous blogs, other than that, they won't give new products with no charge.
    I think this presence Club Penguin implemented here must be spread to the entire world, but I think they should improve the integration w/ bloggers as well.

  7. I think the Disney thing is a very good point to make. I am currently in Disney world - the only CP promo I have seen are the occasional puffle pins. Why aren't there more cp related things? Cp does seem to be losing attention and Disney world is a great place for promo. They used to appeal to not only children but teenagers as well.. But they seem to be trying to gear towards younger kids. Sadly club penguin is not spreading amungst the younger kids as it did a few years ago, so they should be spreading it around Disney to attract as many new younger players as possible.
    Also, why are they trying to appeal to more of a younger group? That is the main reason for my absence in the club penguin community lately. Face it cp, your song on iTunes will not sell well. Few "iPod age" kids/teens will buy it and younger children who would buy it, are too young and most likely don't have iPods. Not very great promo! They should be doing things that will be successful with a bigger group of people.
    Cp needs to step up their game. Disney is ignoring CP more and more and they need to stop, unless they want to go downhill.

  8. On the theme of mascots. I think it would be a great twist if a penguin helped herbert! Just to create some new action within the EPF with catching his inside penguin :)

  9. I think Cp needs have more interaction with the players blogger's we are the heart and soul of club penguin club penguin would not be what it is today with out us. They have Disney and should take more advantage of this, Marvel Take over amazing things like that are what makes it fun. I love to see Missions like we had when it was psa, Battles like we had with herburt it would be great to see new area.

  10. Glad to hear that! I hope the old parties come back! -Rock

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I totaly agree with you, Lebron. And I think some people are trying to help in a different way - By making CPPS. If you've noticed the latest CPPS, Pengable (Currently Shut Down) has been bringing back old parties and giving out free rare items inspired by other rare items just like you suggested. So not only do I think Club Penguin should pay more attention to our blogs, but I think Club Penguin should pay more attention to our CPPS because they might see how much fun we are having on them. -Gabe25777

    P.S Can I use this post on my blog?

  13. Hey Lebron,

    I don't know how often you check your email (hopefully often) but I've sent you something about this post.

  14. Also, CP focuses WAY too much on monthly parties! They need to get stuff like server jumping and arctic white unlock system done too :|

  15. This is awesome! I totally agree with everything you said ~ I have made a post on my blog quoting some of what you said. We need to spread the word :)

  16. Okay Cool Echo! I'll check it out :)

  17. Hey Lebron! I agree with everything you said, even I kind of miss the PSA. I have an idea for the new mascot. You know the penguin who is always seen in the PSA Missions wearing a life jacket and hangs out at the dock? He could be the Hydro Hopper driver and his name could be Dave. Maybe if CP brought back the water party it would be a perfect first party for him. I hope you like my ideas!


    1. Hey Dylan. I actually love that idea! WOW! That would be SO COOL! I hope CP does something like that. Great idea! Thank you for writing in :)

      - Bron

  18. I agree what you said! I started CP in 2009 when I was 11 years and I don't really have a rare items. Anyway, FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! @galaxy_fighter

  19. This will probably be a long comment, but I really hope you can read this:

    I always wished to be a famous Club Penguin Blogger like you, Mimo777, Lux1200, Trainman1405, etc. I would always imagine walking through Club Penguin and being chased around for a buddy add, or receiving that email from Billybob. I tried to accomplish this three times, but schoolwork got in the way and I quit blogging. Right now, there's no way I can blog again, as school has gotten about two times harder (maybe a temporary blogging summer job?). I actually have accomplished some fame (very little, though), thanks to Twitter, probably. I was even lucky enough to be included in a What's New blog post (http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/2011/07/featured-igloos-this-week.php). I am somewhat sad of not continuing blogging, because some people actually told me they liked the way I write (considering the fact that English is NOT my first language). I actually want to be an author when I grow up.
    I created my Club Penguin account on my birthday, August 11, 2007. I got a small taste of what would be the last few months of the "old" Club Penguin, which makes me a penguin from the early "2nd generation". I like the way everything was simple back then, but I have to admit that Club Penguin has added great stuff, too. I agree with every point that you talk about in this post. I am a great Club Penguin fan, and I would love to watch Club Penguin change and become better.
    One thing that I don't like about Club Penguin today is that it is focused more on little kids than teens. I know that when I joined Club Penguin I was only 9, but I liked that it wasn't too kiddy.
    I hope Club Penguin reads your post, as it is the key to their success.

    Thanks for reading!

  20. Thanks for your feedback, Lebron! We're listening... :)


    2. But penguins don't have ears...

    3. Woah, Happy77? This is a real honor! Please listen to Lebron, we need to get back onto Generation 1's basis. Please convince the team to get back to basics?

  21. WOW Thank you so much Happy! So great to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by the site :)

  22. Lebron, you inspire me. Since your app has come out with the best advice about a CP blogging life, and this post.. You're the best Club Penguin blogger who has and ever lived, now let's get back to the point. Let's Take a Stand.

    1. Thank you Volk. That ever lived?! What an honor :')

  23. U know to be totally honest I just joined club penguin 9 monthes ago and when I first started I wa like wow this couldnt get any better but after 5 monthes or so I realized that penguins had so much better and house warming things in there iggy so I asked them where did u get that stuff and they said oh it's from a long long long time ago it's not out anymore then I saw more stuff that was really old and that stuff is way better then the stuff the they have now and then i found out about ioldcp.biz and I got started on that and then I noticed the clothes were so much more rare and cooler And then I heard penguins talkin on twitter and club penguin about how much they loved old cp and that's when I knew that old cp was way Better i mean seriously ROCKY AND CECE!?!?!? that's so pethetic I TOTALLY AGREE LEBRONJR23 club penguin if u r reading this please do not get add ended because lots of other ppl want this to and honestly I think u guys should ignore Disney with all there rocky and cece an shake it up stuff that's just wrong u guys should REALLY change cp because it's what every body wants and needs and like I said before I joind less then a year ago and I never got to experience the fantastic old cp it's just sad for new penguins because there never going to get to know what all the great things oldcp had in it so just saying this just wanna make a stand so thx lebronjr23 I totally agree!

  24. Hey Lebron! Big fan of your work and I totally agree with you. I made my penguin one and a half years ago and wich makes me generation 2. And well I loved the new stuff I always wanted to get a jet pack at festival of flight or buy older snorkel gear from the water party, or maybe even look at the F.I.S.H. Catolog from the P.S.A., and well I like the new stuff I miss the old stuff. I'm with you all the way Lebron power to the players!!!!!!

  25. I have always been thinking to meet Dot or Rory or even Jet Pack Guy! In the one poll everyone voted their favorite thing on Club Penguin was be a secret agent! Club Penguin would really make up for Rocky and CeCe and Fruit Party if they had an EPF Party with Dot,The Director,PH,Rookie,Gary,Rory,Jet Pack Guy and as said above "Dave" and Herbert and Klutzy atttacking then become friends! We need more peace! Reply if you like my idea.

    P.S Probably the best blog post I've ever read.

  26. this is so true, I remember the times when club penguin had things like the dimension cardboard box on april fools day, its things like those that I loved! exclusivity without being a member, I am a member, but honestly they do need to reduce the amount to normal ? my friend was saying theres no point in paying just for clothes or an igloo, either reduce the price, or make more things that are exclusive to members.

    like! if youre a member, you get to go to a WHOLE new club penguin world! that would be amazing, and the entrance would be a really normal place, for instance, the top of the lighthouse, the lightbulb could turn into a teleportation machine that transports you to this new world. with completely new places! a whole new design, a new layout!

    heck! they should create a switch at say... the stadium because barely anyone goes there, and when you switch it, club penguin reverts to the orignal, the graphics, the newspaper. I understand this would be so much work, but they should hire more people? Id love to work there, now and if I was an adult!

    because thats what players love, new, exclusive things, if a member gets exclusive things like a whole new world, with new games, new famous people like rockhopper, new places, new costumes. the non members will come rolling in. heck! even the memebers could get new psa missions, becuase, honestly, no one likes the new field ops, theyre short and in 3rd person, we need interactive, long, psa missions, where we are in 1st person, something you can look forward to and not do it in like 2 minites. its that feeling of looking forward to something and actually finding out what to do, a problem solver. club penguin dont have an imagination, thats the problem, they need to hire some people, and take market research groups with kids like me or someone else! of course, we are the people who know whats best? right?

  27. ANOTHER THINg, people loved the ninja and secret agent thing, including myself. BECAUSE, it was new, a mystery, not everyone knew about it, there were higher ranked people in the ninja thing. club penguin need to create a myth, a legend, like they did with the ninja thing, it would keep me up online some nights, just researching hours on end, if ninjas were real, and then when the time for ninjas came, i was estatic, the new place (dojo) the new suit! the sensei! everything was amazing, they need something that powerful, like a new world, they could have very small clues, very simple clues like the ninja shadow in the ski lodge, remember that? when everyone was saying it was a clue, and others were like "nah, porbably a mistake" thats what it needs. a new world would be the next big thing?

  28. also, they should make things all penguins dream about, like the rainbow puffle, or a real working jetpack where you can fly in first person moade accross club penguin. not a game, just for fun, and you have to go on the top of a building to do it. and also they should make make BABY PENGUINS!!!!!!!! soo cute! the girls will die for it!

  29. club penguin needs new rooms, and new places. they should make another island for the members, definitlyy speed the penguins pace of walking, they waddle too slow

  30. Some of you are missing the point. You're all suggesting new things when the point is to, as Lebron stated, "get back to the basics". It would just make everything far too new.
